So here we are...over 2 years after starting on Betty and I was beginning to get tired of the old gal sitting in the garage. My Jeepster project was finished and sold (traded) for a boat and 2 of which I ultimately sold for guns and cash (how cool is that? Selling a car for guns!) and the other I scrapped. I spent the rest of the summer fixing up the boat I traded for and then got started re-building the motor on "Red," the 1955 Jeep CJ5 I picked up. I had to do something with Betty.
I put her back on ebay in June and had a guy who locked. On the way from southern Illinois to pick her majesty up, the buyer and his buddy, both armed with trucks and trailers, headed strait into a nasty storm, into a swerving semi, into a ditch, and into not coming and picking up Betty. Call it fate. The bitch was ours for the long haul.
While out doing sales calls one day in October I stumbled upon Petey's Pit Stop in Grandville. Mike Leland, the owner is an old hot-rod guy who would rather be welding rust and torching gas tanks than changing pads on Volvos, so he seemed legit. I had to unload Betty for know...send her to band camp. Petey's had a lift...which would save me the painstaking bitch of trying to line Betty up in the driveway with a forklift holding the body up. I'd let Peteys do the work getting the body mounted on Clyde...and Mike was happy to oblige. So we set off in two to get Betty over to Petey' get Clyde, which Jim was VERY, VERY happy to get Clyde the f*ck out of his yard!
Arrival at Petey's!!
Mike and I scope over the dream....he was ready to start hacking!
Shameless plug for Petey's!