The passenger front part of the rear fender was fashioned in the same way as its brother on the other side - heating it with a torch to make the curved 90 degree bend, with the transitioned lip. The ground metal against the sandblasted car looks odd, and there's still some more grinding to do. Notice the holes done a long time before to slide hammer out what looks to be a guardrail side-swipe. -TH
This one little section, directly in the middle of the fender was rotted out, so I had to cut it out and weld in a small patch piece.
Here it is...the ugly of ugly. For some reason, my dopey self forget to take a picture of the hell that was here before I cut, fabricated, and welded this mess...but here's the finished result. This was the biggest pain in the ass on the car so far. Every piece of metal under here was rotted out. I had no idea where to begin. Welding to rusted metal sucks, and this was no exception. All in all, for what I had to work with, it's solid, and will look fine once some seam-seal is put in, and the entire thing is undercoated. -TH
In the interim, Sara was beginning to got bored, so I finished welding the channels on the passenger side, so she could finish them off.
Oh...and then there was the rear section of the passenger rear fender. Does it ever end? At this point, I was beginning to think it wouldn't. This piece was nothing but a big, festering piece of body filler. I took the grinder to it to see if any metal was buried underneith....notta. It all was going to have to come out. Even the fender brace that holds the fender secure to the wheelhouse was rotted and gone. Oh, what fun. -TH