And the body filler starts.
Here Jim's running the cheese grater across the high spots while the filler is just started to set up. This saves alot of tedious sanding later. And I hate sanding. -TH
For the rear fender channels, I wanted to use something that had a bit more strength than regular fill. Even though the area was fully welded and ground down rather than leaded, I figured I still didn't want to take the chance of anything cracking. Bondo sells a fill thats aluminum. It can be drilled and tapped, and is essentially glorified JB Weld. I figured it would have alot more strength. It is expensive - 20.00 for a quart...but all we needed was enough to do the channels. Once these are smoothed out, we'll put fill over the top to smooth out the low spots and be done. Well, not done...but you know. -TH