The panel got cut off with a sawzall on the top black line (in top pic), and along the bottom seam where the rocker is spot-welded to the back half of the rocker. At the front, cut close to the edge, I cut the panel leaving a 2 inch area of the old rocker to butt-weld together here. The factory rocker bolts the front fender and the rocker together, and it just wasn't worth trying to figure out how to make that seam, so I saved that small portion of the old panel and cut the edge to match on the new panel. You can see some rust from the rear rocker panel. I'll fix that later, or try to forget about it. Shhhh! -TH
Here the rocker is tacked and stiched to the floors. Later, I'll go back and finish the complete stiching across. Notice how the previous owner booger-welded pieces of galvanized metal patch-panels into the floors. I'm still figuring out what I'm going to do with these. Probably cover them in dynamat, carpet, and forget it. -TH
Success! The panel fit perfectly, has the exactly same transition as the previous pieces, and looks great. Now, I just need to finish the welds underneith and on top, and start grinding everything down. Sara, where are you? Next up, the other side, plus fabbing the rear pieces of the other rear fender. My goal is to have all the metal work finished next week, so we can move on to body filler, sanding, priming, and hopefully painting by the end of July. -TH